Youth in politics: Controversy Surrounding KCYA Elections

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In youth politics, elections are often viewed as the embodiment of democratic values and principles. However, the recent Kajiado County Youth Alliance (KCYA) elections have left a sour taste in the mouths of many, with allegations of chaos, manipulation, and a glaring lack of transparency echoing through the halls of youth leadership.

Chaos seemed to reign supreme during the elections as a number of the youth cited biasness. The process, rather than being a shining example of transparent democracy, was described as miserable and embarrassing. Transparency appeared to be a distant dream as allegations of tampering with results and unethical practices spread like wildfire. It’s reported that some aspirants resorted to acquiring certificates under circumstances shrouded in uncertainty.

Divided Commission, Secret Favorites

One of the darkest clouds looming over the elections was the evident division within the KCYA Commission itself. Each member seemed to have a secret favorite candidate or candidates, raising questions about the neutrality of the Commission. This internal divide became the breeding ground for many of the problems that arose during the elections.

Forced Alterations and Disputed Results

As tensions escalated, senior commissioners allegedly resorted to force to alter the results. Denied the chance to steal votes, they took matters into their own hands, further eroding the credibility of the elections. Kajiado County’s Kajiado Township Primary polling station bore witness to the tampering of results for the Secretary General and Chairperson positions, rendering them irrelevant in the determination of the said roles. This favoritism towards specific candidates only deepened the disillusionment.

KCYA aspirant Isaiah Ole Parkanta and his fellow youth in a previous Election campaign. Image Courtesy

The Kajiado polling station at Kajiado Township Primary had its own peculiar drama. Reports suggest that the vote counting process was abruptly halted, with lights mysteriously switched off. When they were finally turned back on, the figures had taken a bewildering turn. This incident only fueled suspicions of foul play.

While the youth contend that the elections were predetermined, the Commission’s chair vehemently argues that they were fair and free. In a twist of fate, no candidate has yet challenged the election outcomes, leaving a lingering sense of injustice in its wake. The chair has gone so far as to promise legal action against those in possession of certificates obtained under dubious circumstances.

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